Monday, 9 November 2009


DVD, Stargate SG-1 S1 (Hathor)

Oh my, this has some truly excruciatingly bad scenes. The most obvious is the one with the women locked in the cell and moaning about how men treat them, etc, and then using their feminine wiles in the most embarrassing way to escape! Double standards from the writers? It's like they were trying to make excuses for pulling off one of the worst stunts ever. The rest of the story, a bottle show done badly, is sci-fi by numbers. There's the age-old 'crew taken over except for one who fights back' with a side helping of 'female alien takes over the men', I can only imagine what the actors thought when this script was delivered. B-film sci-fi at best.

Even the teaser which should have been mysterious and ancient has the look of a newly painted set - the sarcophagus has no sign of age upon it and there's nothing to evidence the 2000 year gap Hathor's endured, plus it seems ridiculous that it should be sent to Jackson without confirmation or advice. And Hathor took a plane to the base? It also struck me that the skin flaps used by the Goa'uld larvae aren't very hygienic. I'm sure Dr. Frasier puts her uncovered hand right in O'Neill's belly! Nice touch that Hathor bothers to pick up her headdress before departing. Did she really have time? Her voice sounds disturbingly similar to a character in the N64 game 'Turok 2', I wonder if it was the same actress? Let's hope Hathor never comes back - easily the worst episode of the season!


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