Monday, 30 November 2009

The Circle

DVD, DS9 S2 (The Circle)

It is a noticeable thing that many of the settings we're familiar with are not part of this episode. Just as there's no time for family meals (round the Sisko table or the O'Brien's), the canvas of this story is quite epic compared to the first season, spanning the entire planet Bajor, a new alien vessel, and so on. We don't see the Promenade, apart from Odo's office, we only have Ops and Kira's quarters on the station, and we're mostly in unfamiliar territory, such as the monastery and grounds, the military war room, and onboard the Kressari ship. This helps encourage the impression of a larger story unfolding and prevents it from becoming staid and familiar.

Well directed again, with some lovingly framed shots - Sisko at military HQ, the gardens of the monastery from last season, and my favourite: a view from inside the turbolift as Quark tries to get the last word in as the lift descends leaving him in Ops. Similarly good use is made of the lift in the scene where Kira gets permission to disembark and stares up at Sisko as she descends. The direction, story and scope has retained the freshness and vibrancy of part 1. The only real reason it isn't quite as good is a slight loss of tension as compared to last episode. Kira's kidnap and rescue seemed a little forced, to pad in some action, and the tail-end didn't ring as true as the rest of the story.

Last time we were unsure of where things were going. Now, with evacuation on hand, forcing Starfleet out by their own Prime Directive, we can guess what might happen. But will Kira remain on Bajor (she could still be a recurring character from there, with planet-bound stories)? Kira's first orb experience is unexplained. Is she being told to stay and become a Vedek under Bareil's tutelage? If she were leaving in this episode, she gets a suitably strong send-off. One of the best DS9 cast scenes ever is the one where they each turn up at her quarters and all talk over each other's conversations. Hilarious!

Li Nalas makes a good, if more subdued first officer, in a very different mould to Kira. It's good to see them reconcile over their changes of fortune, which neither really wants, and Li is the first in line to help rescue Kira, but that leads me back to my point: once Jaro is unmasked, and Kira rescued, the Circle is no longer a shadowy, mysterious organisation, and I think that aspect should have been kept longer, like maybe none of the other Circle members ever reveal their faces, and remain hooded and cloaked. Also, there's less of a building danger, as we're just told about the evacuation with ships on the way and transmissions jammed, at the last minute, and have no time for the gradual realisation of the way things are going. Though Jaro comes out of the shadows, General Krim presents a more uncertain picture, just as Jaro seemed neither positive or negative last episode, so Krim retains an inscrutability of motive. Sisko has a bond with him, cleverly giving the intel to Krim before asking him for a favour. Krim notices this grace and it leaves something in Sisko's favour.

Two future flashes in the space of two episodes (not to mention a kidnapping in each!). Last time it was Martok, this time it's Chakotay. Admiral. Chekote, to be exact. Voyager must have been in development at this time, but perhaps the writer of this episode didn't know such a similar name was going to be used. Bareil makes his return, bringing his gravitas, gracefulness and peace about him like tangible clothing. He walks into a room and calm instantly descends, and while Kira finds herself babbling a little when she's around him, he just steers the conversation onto something else. A well-written and performed character, and the bridge scene with Winn is delicious! Winn and Jaro make a good baddie team, and we discover Winn wants more than just power! Her cloying insults could be seen as friendly openness to the less-discerning.

There are plenty of small details to enjoy, as usual. Odo does his rat impression again, as seen in 'Past Prologue' (plus a label). And the Kressari, a new alien race with an elaborate look - he even had spikes on the back of the hands! - is seen, and one they should use again (maybe even develop, as all we know is that they're supposed to be botanical DNA traders). Another Kira-focused episode, but which also featured all the characters, mostly quite well. So far Bashir and Jake aren't used as much, but Dax gets a bit more this time. I can't fault the episode generally for it's twists and turns, its laugh-out-loud humour, growing storylines and web of plots. Kira and Bareil, Sisko and Starfleet, Winn and Jaro, the Circle and Bajor (even Odo and deputy Quark!), are all in conflict or alliance in fascinating ways. I don't think this second part of what would be Trek's first ever three-parter, is quite as successful as the season opener, but it has flashes of brilliance, and leaves you wanting more of the story, like a two-parter couldn't achieve.


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