DVD, TNG S1 (Coming of Age)
A half season appraisal of the ship and her crew, Wesley Crusher's own Kobayashi Maru, and the genesis of a dark moment in the Federation, all rolled into an episode that is one of the best of the season thanks to its many great scenes, be it Picard and Kurland in the corridor, Remmick's fist pump at the success of the rescue attempt, Wesley's various interactions at the Stafleet facility, or the cross-questioning of the crew. Remmick sums up the first half of the season so well when he reports the Enterprise runs as a family, even going so far as to wish to work there in ther future!
Admiral Quinn joins him in his first appearance, foreshadowing events later in the season. And Picard sums up where they're heading in the series, by saying at the end that it's time to get back to their mission. Most characters have satisfying moments, often with Wesley, who is used again in logical and excellent ways. His talk with Picard gives such a feeling of father/son, and coupled with Remmick's intimations and Beverly's refusal to talk about her opinions on the Captain, the trio are preserved in our minds as a possible family. Worf gets to reveal more of himself in a conversation with the acting Ensign also, and it's really only Tasha and Deanna who are underused. It's not a surprise that Crosby wanted to leave after such a run of episodes where she mostly stands in the background!
At first I thought the investigation was all a test for Riker so he'd be offered one of the many commands he turns down, but it did link directly with 'Conspiracy', although I'm not sure if it was truly Quinn, or the controlled version who was worried about a plot. There are some really strong and emotive dramas involved such as Wesley's desperate rescue of a man from a leaking room, with a terrifically exciting sequence. And the generosity of spirit between the candidates and Wesley and his crewmates makes you feel so much better than watching some realistic, nasty programme. Two characters may be leaving, although neither do, but there are some parallels with Wesley's testing and Picard's. It seems like they decided to refer back to several events seen so far, sum up what has become of the ship and crew, then sail on, satisfied with how things have gone so far. And so should we!
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