DVD, DS9 S6 (His Way)
The resolution of one of the longest running arcs in the series is certainly worth waiting for. To see Odo and Kira finally realise their inevitable destiny is a good thing in itself, but the addition of Vic Fontaine, the best holo-character since the EMH makes the story even better.
Who could have predicted that a 50's or 60's lounge singer would be the catalyst for the resolution to the longest unrequited love story around. The charm with which he expounds his tips and 'experience', the period dialogue which so many of the characters find difficult to fully understand, and mainly for the fact Vic calls himself a lightbulb and has the ability to nip around the holosuites or place a long distance call to station personnel, makes him a brilliant creation and brings usually two-dimensional holoprograms into a new level of reality that furthers the concept for Star Trek and provides such a great atmosphere for the crew to relax in.
That's the only real downside, as Vic later took on some of Quark's role, and became the place to hang out rather than the bar. But yet again it's the DS9 writers showing they ain't done creating. This late in the day you'd think new ideas are hard to work into the series, but no they keep on comin' baby! The tunes are also something to crow about, with some classic stuff, and I'm talkin' the kind of thing that makes yer tap along, like Nanook on the ivories. Sorry, I meant Odo. You knew who I was on about, pally. Vic should have been made a regular.
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