Monday, 16 March 2009

Full Circle

DVD, The Champions (Full Circle)

Convoluted to say the least, this was a bit of a headscratcher in the plot department, with the whole episode made out of nothing, as one fellow viewer put it.

There were other bizarre things to single out, such as why Richard would need to put on an Irish accent when visiting the inmates in the jail (are there no English Father's?), and the way he was taken out by three men in a fist fight - surely he could take three! The only answer is that 'they must have known what they were doing' acording to Richard. Perhaps the powers were under used, although they were more subtly included in the story. And Sharon was barely in it.

Booker's girl was shamefully only there for window dressing, and that Westerman should have been called Wimpsterman, the way he was whimpering when it came to descending the wall of the prison. So not one of the best ones, and certainly not showing off the series in it's best light. Even the opening post-teaser power show-off scene had been used before. It was a good one, but they should never have to reuse them (notice the camerman in the side window when the car pulls up to a stop!).

As near enough as I can work out, the story was a set-up for the British intelligence and the other party (the 'Colombrian's'!), to precipitate an arms race or something. Not well explained.


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