DVD, TNG S7 (Firstborn)
Not greater than the sum of it's parts, but it had enough parts to make it an experience. We get to see some Klingon street theatre, Worf taking on three Klingons, appearances from Quark and the Duras sisters, and a clever turn at the end of the episode. I never guessed it was Alexander from the future!
There were problems however. Why can't people understand the Klingons when they speak in their own language? Surely the UT would make it clear. And I'm not sure what happened to the other characters. Picard especially seemed to disappear. Maybe I just wasn't paying attention.
Usually I don't like Alexander stories as he always comes across as a spoiled American brat rather than a Klingon in training. But it's like watching a part of history, knowing he goes on to try and fight as a warrior in the Dominion War. Also the Duras sisters, after their DS9 appearance and pre-'Generations' explosi-death. And also Kurn is mentioned before he gets wiped.
James Sloyan makes a very credible Klingon; I never knew he'd played one, on top of the Romulan and his excellent Dr. Mora Pol on DS9. He is one of the best reused actors in the franchise, and does it again in this one.
It's not a terribly heartfelt episode (for example Quark's appearance is brief and doesn't make the most of him), mostly, but add all these elements and you get a pick and mix which is quite tasty.
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