Monday, 13 December 2010


DVD, TNG S4 (Reunion)

'TNG' is either totally unencumbered by the past or it leaps into heavy continuity with abandon! As a result of such variance this episode is a bit disjointed. It's full of Klingon lore, family matters and the difficult positions certain people are placed in, but at times it feels like a jumble of stuff happening with a lot of questionable moments. Among these were the death scene of K'mpec which is never seen so it's rather sudden that he's taken out of it. The way K'Ehleyr finds all the evidence she needs on the true facts about Khitomer all from her console on the Enterprise is another: The Klingons would surely have buried the details more heavily than that. The way she foolishly steps close up to the enemy, Duras when he confronts her in her quarters. The fact that Worf can get away with only a reprimand on his record for killing someone, no matter who they are. Even K'mpec's seeming implicit trust in the honour of Picard could be questioned.

We're not confirmed in the conclusion that Gowron becomes leader of the High Council, we simply don't see him again, and since the only other candidate lies blood-spattered on the deck of his ship we can only assume what happens next - closure was needed for such things. The storylines ebbed and flowed in a heady swirl, but this could have been an absolute classic if they had been better presented and confidently merged instead of veering all over the place in terms of emotions or keeping up with events. Not to say it isn't a good story, just not told in the best way, in my view.

Big changes are in store, but the series isn't yet quite comfortable enough to allow Alexander to stay intrude on Worf's life on a permanent basis or alter the status quo on the ship. Worf is free to continue as before, and the rest of the crew weren't a big part of the Klingon proceedings. The important things are the taking up of last season's threads regarding Worf's discommendation, the introduction of his son Alexander, the deaths of his mate K'Ehleyr and enemy Duras, and the connection with the Romulans which Duras apparently had, another little thing that isn't explained, but would lead to further developments later in the season.

Gowron and Alexander would go on to feature for several years culminating in the latter seasons on 'DS9', the Duras family would continue to harrass and give the Klingons a bad name even into 'Enterprise', and Worf's situation would also be long in reaching resolution. These points create a better reason to watch the episode than for a slice of slightly confusing Klingon soap opera which, as explained, don't make for the most cohesive or fitting conclusion, but do keep the brain active. And what was Duras' sword about? Why didn't he use a Batleth?!


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