Monday, 13 December 2010

New Ground

DVD, Stargate SG-1 S3 (New Ground)

Not bad, but not as good as the last couple of stories. It wasn't fully resolved, but it was going to be hard to change an entire people's beliefs in the course of one mission. The main selling points are the lush visuals, whether they be the real life quarry-type location or the ever more photorealistic CGI. This season has achieved the most solid effects work seen so far on the series, and the way ships can come into land or energy beams spread out has become almost perfect. The shot of the shuttle scouring above Teal'c's forest hideaway or the shuttle crash into the dig site were as good as any film. The acting was perfunctory, suiting the military bearing of the encountered representatives, but even the SG-1 team didn't have any good lines or inspiring moments.

The temporary side-lining of Teal'c served the story only as a time-waster so that he didn't come to his friend's aid sooner, but Nyan was a pretty reasonable companion whom it appears we'll see more of. He still has to go back to his people to help convince them of the error of their beliefs. As much as it must be exciting to enter a new world of scientific possibility he will surely get homesick for his people at some point. The story was a rather basic comment on holy war which wasn't delved into deep enough, aside from some naming and shaming of another 'false god' who worked for Ra. Seeing only the military view we didn't truly experience the people of the world.

Watching the discovery of the Stargate unfold and making first contact with the SGC from the point of view of the residents was a pleasing attempt at a different angle on familiar proceedings, and it's nice to know that even previously unavailable gate addresses are constantly being retried, though imagining Carter as an intergalactic cold-caller doesn't do her any favours - will she be offering a special deal on double-glazing? I think the idea of having the 'alien's' POV has been done before, and the set-up of a military holding the team captive because of conflicting ideology by an obtuse military man reminded me too much of Season 1's 'The First Commandment' and almost moved as little as that story, but this was better, thanks mainly to it's looks. A little more brainpower would have complemented the beauty nicely.


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