Monday, 19 October 2009

It's Only A Paper Moon

DVD, DS9 S7 (It's Only A Paper Moon)

Deep. That's the way it went. How far has a series come when it can give an entire episode over to two recurring characters, one of which has only been in the thing for a few episodes! The series has broken new ground again. You can equate this with the long ago TNG episode 'Hollow Pursuits' which also has a character living a different life in the Holodeck; you can bring up the EMH from Voyager. But Vic has had more development in the short time he's been around than most seasons of Voyager gave to the EMH!

The story was fitting for the ongoing story, in that it focuses on the reality of war and how people cope with injury, but also puts a Trek spin onto the old topic of people trying to live in fantasy worlds, whether they be books, games, roleplaying, films, or, yes, TV series'. Just as the Holosuite is a world within a world, the episode has a message within a message, and breaks the fourth wall. I'm not sure if that's the right phrase, but what it does is comment on itself, just as Vic has always done, and in a humourous and touching way too. The thing is, you can't live in a fantasy world, you gotta take what life throws at ya. And thanks to friends like Vic, and the station crew being understanding, Nog learns the lesson, and goes back to taking on the challenges of real life.

I love the character of Vic, and they gave him a chance to shine, sing a few songs and now he gets to be on all the time, which was the best gift Nog could give. And there're clips from the film 'Shane', so what more could you want, pally? What more could you want? How about the best performance Aron Eisenberg ever did as Nog, providing moments of joy and anger, fear and bravery, just as the Nog we've known has learned to display. He's the little person with big heart, and should be an example to us all!


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