Monday, 5 October 2009


DVD, DS9 S7 (Chrysalis)

Not exactly a happy ending, but perhaps a more realistic and fair one. It was so easy for Serena to simply stay on the station in a safe environment, but she has a brilliant mind that needs new vistas and experiences and learning, to grow, and Bashir couldn't offer her that. It was a good decision to bring back the genetically engineered troupe from Season 6, because they were such great characters and personalities that they deserved a comeback. They seem ever so slightly more subdued than last time, but it's probably a sign that they've progressed in their treatment after a year. And what a brilliant idea, to focus on the catatonic one and bring her out of herself as the story.

It was incredible how different she seemed, and a very joyful realisation that she has such possibilities before her. But it's also sad that the others can't follow her into the world (or, I should say, galaxy), and it breaks up their little family. The only disappointment of the episode is that the others didn't get a goodbye scene, and it leaves them at odds with Bashir a little, but apart from that it's a delightful tale, with Bashir once again getting carried away. Reminiscent of Season Two's 'Melora' which also featured a patient he hoped to cure and fell in love with.

There are some little quirks to remember, such as Morn has seventeen brothers and sisters (I'm not sure if we knew that before), and Bashir calls out for Broik the Ferengi waiter, a background character in Quark's bar that's often been there, but this might just be the first time he's been referred to by name. And Ensign Jones (Randy James) the frequent Starfleet background guy tries to help the GM group with directions. "That's a stupid question!" Season 7 hasn't quite managed to trump the previous season's highs, but it has still kept a consistent high standard, and episodes like this where they bring back a popular aspect of the past is a generous act and one that's full of story potential. Well done.


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