DVD, DS9 S6 (Tears of The Prophets)
I can't come out of this episode and say it was enjoyable. It's a hard thing to admit. Because it's one of the most important episodes of the season. But one of my favourite Star Trek characters dies. Almost senselessly. She's in the way. A Pah-wraith in Dukat's body unleashes fire on her. Dukat didn't even want to harm her. And just as she discovered that a baby would be possible. And the Wormhole is seemingly annihilated. And Sisko is confused. The ending is much like the end of Season Five, except without the optimistic intent to return and the clear purpose of the retaking of the station. Questions are not even clear, let alone answers. Nothing is certain.
Most of the episode is a classic Trek, and certainly classic DS9, battle. With Martok there you know the Dominion will be in for a rough ride, but it's something else to see the Romulans pitching in as allies, all working to take Chin'toka. Garak's aboard too, as is Nog at helm. The shock comes when the Jem'Hadar make suicide runs on the Klingon fleet, tearing through many of them in a desperate delaying tactic. The incredible shots of ships left, right, and centre engaged in fierce battle is some of the best CGI of the series, and the solution to the weapons platforms is typical Starfleet engineering brains at work!
I like the way Kira quickly takes over from the bewildered Sisko after he feels the Prophets, switching into command mode immediately. The scenes with her and Odo, as he tries to understand that an argument is not the end of the world are fun! And we get Vic again, singing for the depressed Quark and Bashir as they realise Worf and Dax will stay married for sure. Vic is great value as ever, and sings 'Here's To The Losers' brilliantly!
A conflict between duty to the Federation and duty to the Prophets takes it's toll on Sisko, and he has to put up with a member of his family on the Defiant as he goes into battle, like the previous episode. Not to mention the beginning of the episode where he is awarded with the Cristopher Pike Medal for Valour!
But the most important thing is Jadzia, her smiling face, saying goodbye to her friends for the last time, Worf's soul-clenching mourning cry and Sisko's sad words over her coffin. She was the best female character in the whole of Star Trek: witty, fun, always out to have a play, but caring about those around her too. She lit up the dark corridors of Deep Space Nine, but had a warrior's skill too. She was curious, clever and dedicated. She would be first with the irreverent observation, and didn't hesitate to tell it as it was. And she made sure everyone had fun. If there was one word that summed her up it would be that.
And where now for DS9? To lose so much, and yet keep on the path. To see all crash and burn. To have the way darkened, and few lights to point the way. But a change must come, a tide must turn, and evil will be challenged. War must take its course, and victor must rise. But first comes the search, the knowledge and the decision. And there will be a new season, a time to stand, a time to reach for the conclusion. And that... is Season Seven.
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