Monday, 18 May 2009

The Cloud

DVD, Voyager S1 (The Cloud)

I remembered the odd Indian stuff from this, and the fact the cloud of the title was actually a creature they have to heal with the ship, and I thought it wasn't going to be a good one. The first 'dong' as it were. But actually, though the scenes aren't the most memorable they are really enjoyable character moments. You get Tom and Harry up to some japes, you see inside Janeway's mind as she tries to both remain in control, but also be approachable. Neelix loses his rag, but then his good nature shines through, the Doctor makes every scene he's in a study in sarcasm and world-weariness (and we learn his creator is Dr. Zimmerman of Jupiter Station, and looks a lot like him!). Only Chakotay, a stolid presence on the bridge, backing up the Captain, Kes, her vegetable produce in evidence at last, and Torres and Tuvok to some extent don't get the strong scenes. But they are all a part of the diorama that is the family of Voyager.

Not only is the script witty and thoroughly enjoyable, but the direction is spot-on too. A scene early on has Janeway wondering whether to approach a crewman, staring out of a window, his morose loneliness obvious in his body language. It looks like a painting! And there are other shots which make really strong use of the sets, and provide new angles (Neelix, Janeway, Chakotay, Kes, all sitting in a line on the bridge; a scene shot from behind I think it's Tuvok's console; a closeup of Chakotay's screen as he types into it, with Kim visible beyond him). One of the most significant elements is the introduction of the Holodeck, and Sandrine's, with a fun ending where Janeway gets down with the crew and hustles Paris at his own game. A fitting end. And the tag line she says at the end about a powerful being hopefully looking out for them was almost biblical.


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