Monday, 27 April 2009

Targets Without a Badge, part II

DVD, Starsky & Hutch S4 (Targets Without a Badge, part II)

It's not much of a second part, because it feels more like a separate episode. New characters, new storyline... the only thing the same is that they aren't policemen now, and have no authority, which does make for an interesting slant on the familiar. There are also some fun scenes in the first half as they get up to the usual tricks, but the episode as a whole isn't particularly exciting, and certainly doesn't live up to the promise of the previous episode's ending. You expect them to be under attack every five minutes or something.

There were at least two familiar faces, maybe more: the man in glasses who arranges interviews has been in it as a different (but identical) character, possibly in 'The Plague' two-parter, and the dark-haired assassin has been in it loads of times, as minor criminals, or more often as Starsky's stunt double (and most memorably as the younger brother in the 'Murder At Sea' two-parter). Nice to see Richard Herd as an FBI man - he later played Paris' Father in 'Voyager'.


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