Tuesday, 7 April 2009

Ashes To Ashes

DVD, Voyager S6 (Ashes To Ashes)

They missed a great opportunity here, to bring back a minor or recurring character from earlier in the series. Doing that would have given more weight to the story, and perhaps it could have been a classic. As it stands, the episode remains enjoyable thanks to Lyndsey being a good character - someone you'd remember if you'd seen her. That's the only flaw with it, that the story rests on her being a cremember from the past, yet we've never seen her and so all this stuff with Harry comes out of the blue. How he admired her since his Academy days... what about Libby? Or did they forget her. It further puts Harry through it again, he's becoming as put upon as O'Brien!

It's a shame this is a Harry episode in a way because it comes across as another episode focused on his character that isn't particularly special and there aren't many he gets. I wonder why the UT didn't translate Ballard's Kobali speech? I think this episode marks the introduction of Kadis-Kott.

The B-story with Seven overseeing the Borg children was quite fun, and they haven't become annoying yet, but Naomi didn't get much of a look in. It was quite surreal having Janeway make peanut butter and jam sandwiches - another pot roast bites the dust! I thought there might be a dark ulterior motive to Ballard's coming, but I suppose she didn't need it, though her realisation she didn't belong was a bit truncated. So a good episode, that could have been better. Typical Season 6.

The Doc won best line for his comment about 'hair being his speciality... despite appearances'!


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