Tuesday, 2 August 2016

Star Trek 2017 TV Series - Star Trek Discovery

Star Trek 2017 TV Series - Star Trek Discovery

The name is finally revealed: 'Star Trek Discovery,' with seemingly not a colon in sight. It's a nice, simple title, not groundbreaking or evidence of strong creativity and imagination, but it does the job, and would any of the Trek series' titles look impressive when viewed as new? It's the kind of title I've probably already run through my head when thinking of possible suggestions, and then dismissed because it's not cutting edge enough. But perhaps the series is going to be more traditional than we expect? I can see the DNA of so-called 'Prime Universe' Trek all over this project, we've had a taste with the generally positive selection of writers who mostly have some history with old Trek (many would say good Trek), and now the name has echoes of the past with a similarity to 'Voyager,' as well as, with its officially shortened version, 'DSC,' to 'DS9.' In this age of marketing driven creativity I don't think that's a coincidence (or a mistake), as it further solidifies the faithful's hope in Fuller's direction.

As much as, if not more exciting, is the much-anticipated guarantee that the series is, indeed, set back in the beloved Prime Universe I and many others have keenly awaited ever since 'Star Trek: Enterprise' left the TV screens blank in 2005 (or 2006 for me, watching in the pre-digital, terrestrial era where Channel 4 held the broadcast rights in the UK). They may be pushing for exploration into parts unknown, and they still haven't fitted the final major puzzle piece into place to tell us what time period it's set in, but you can be assured that however different a series it begins as, it will eventually acknowledge and continue to explore many of the famous races and creations that have been created across the fifty year epic space saga, adding to the knowledge and encyclopaedic detail, and that is a very tasty proposition indeed.

With the official name, the logo has also been unveiled, and… it's the same as the teaser logo, with no attempt to improve it from its fractured, ugly state. It could still change in the coming months, and I can live with it if it doesn't, but it does retain the chunky, thumpingness of the Abramsverse (recently officially rechristened the 'Kelvin Timeline,' perhaps so, like the 'Mirror Universe' before it, it can be a potential visiting destination for one or two episodes of the new series), rather than the sharper, slightly more intricate logos of the nineties and 2000s. One thing I do like is the way the cleave down the Starfleet chevron centres up perfectly with the Discovery and its horizontal struts and it does improve the balance of the design with the addition of 'Discovery', even if the texture, colours and font remain a little unappealing. The colours of silver and gold are reminiscent of the 'DS9' and 'Voyager' logos, and if this is a further hint on the era it's set in then I'm all for it. However, if the ship's design is to be believed, then we may getting a firm hint at that…

The big reveal was of early footage of the new ship, USS Discovery NCC-1031. The registry is lower even than the original Enterprise (1701), suggesting a 22nd or 23rd Century ship. There's also much of the Trek DNA in its design, not least that it's one that I believe was a possible Enterprise long ago, whether for the first 1701 or the 'D' of 'TNG,' I can't recall, but it's definitely based on an established idea, although these tiny details could be a negative: a prequel series was effectively what sank Trek on TV, and the ship in 'Enterprise' was also less than an original idea, being based on the Akira-class vessels glimpsed in 'Star Trek: First Contact.' But we're told this is only test footage, not the final vessel, which is probably for the best as the CG doesn't look much of a step up from 'Enterprise.' It's a bit strange for them to give away the ship design so early, but then we live in strange times, with the internet still little more than an optional commodity when the previous TV series launched - now every series and film is all about gathering social media into a snowball of anticipation and chatter, sadly, showing people aren't able to wait patiently for anything. Saying that, it is good to see, and while I still wish for an Enterprise-J series one day, an established idea being resurrected seems like a good way to go. It has the effect of a saucer from the best iteration of the Enterprise (the refit of 'The Motion Picture'), with the topside reminiscent of the 'E,' a rear similar to the NX-01, the wideness giving a hint of the Reliant from 'Star Trek II,' and though the whole doesn't yet appear graceful, it remains an intriguing proposition.

The anticipation meter remains firmly in high gear, but until the era is confirmed, I will hold off on giving it the full five stars. Now that we're over the hump of the latest film, 'Star Trek Beyond,' things should begin to gear up as Real Star Trek approaches, if not at warp speed, then certainly full impulse. Let's hope it engages!

Anticipation: ****

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