Monday, 29 March 2010


DVD, Voyager S7 (Shattered)

Much more than a clips episode converted into one with new footage, this is a greatest hits package that gives them a chance to remember the good and bad times, where they started out and how far they've come in both personal and spatial terms. It also flags up the best excuse a Starfleet officer could ever need: if ever you're caught doing something you don't want to explain just tell your superior "can't tell yer - Temporal Prime Directive" in the most smug and superior voice you can muster mister. Then all your problems will go away. I expect.

Taking some inspiration from 'Relativity' this has a less serious side to it, perhaps Chakotay and the Captain even treat the situation a little too lightly. Between each encounter they walk down corridors wryly musing on the other's knowledge/lack thereof, letting slip little questions or answers. It doesn't detract from the episode, and the twinkle in Chakotay's eye reminds us of way back in Season Two's 'Resolutions', and there's a little bit of regret that things never worked out between them, while pointing to the deep friendship that developed.

Chakotay has been another of the main characters to be underused and underdeveloped, so a an episode for him to revisit moments from the past and help save the ship are appreciated. Linking him with Janeway, one from before they first met, and having him support the decision she made originally, and pointing to the important life-changing events that so many have had, gave him an opportunity to tell the viewers what the series has meant to the characters, as much as those viewing. It makes you wonder if any of the events will be recalled by those who were inoculated, or whether Chakotay was a special case.

Bringing Seska back, and Chaotica, and seeing different versions of Seven, Icheb, Naomi and others was a great idea, and even better when we get to see them all work together. The effect of the time shift looked good, as did the colour part of the monochrome holodeck scene. As usual, time changes make for an inventive story and one which plays to the series' strengths, reminding us why we've stayed with it for seven years.


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