DVD, Voyager S7 (Drive)
My memory of this was the over-riding disappointment. It had been billed as this 'Star Wars Episode I'-style racing extravaganza, but it never got close to the adrenaline-packed CGI racing of that film, instead concentrating on a personal story for Tom and B'Elanna. Why set up a visual speed feast, especially since starship racing is an underused concept in Trek, and then not deliver on the racing thrills? Now, of course, I see there's more to it, and enjoyed the definitive bringing together of those two characters.
Probably because I had low expectations, but I enjoyed the crew's interactions, the running joke of poor Harry yet again going for the wrong girl (it's becoming ridiculous, but in a fun way), Neelix doing exactly as I hoped he would do, and in a sequence reminiscent of the times he used to broadcast 'A Briefing With Neelix' to the crew, he does a suitably exciteable commentary over the comm! The aliens looked good (although they reacted rather limply to the end of the race, which should have seen them leaping for joy and cheering), the Starfleet racing togs are stylish, and the few scenes we see of ships racing are well realised.
The only thing still letting the side down is the pacing in a few of the scenes - nowadays they'd be cutting all over the place in a whirl of faces and control panels and buzzing lights and sound. Usually I don't like that style of direction, but it would have suited this scenario perfectly. There are also a few little points that don't make sense: Tuvok wants Janeway to look at his report when she's caught up in the race, and the joke's on him when the race enters a wormhole and so she stops watching and asks the Vulcan if he wants to show her the report now, except he's suddenly become gripped with interest for the race. But they've just entered the wormhole and the race can't be followed so what's he avidly staring at? When did Irina have time to reprogram the new Delta Flyer's sensors so they wouldn't detect the leak? And why was O'Zaal, the authority in charge, happy for Voyager, an unknown ship, to both enter the race and hold the festivities - isn't there a conflict of interest?
Also, when the explosion occurs, Janeway excuses herself, but all O'Zaal does is look midly worried and return to looking out the window. Surely he should be in constant contact with race officials and representatives of the various competing races. Again it's not explained how they managed to so quickly recreate the Flyer after its destruction last season, and makes that event seem meaningless. If they can easily bring back any ship, why should we invest in it at all. Plus I never liked the non-Starfleet protocol, ancient controls, included as a concession to Tom Paris. Always seemed a step into farce.
It's a final disappointment that we don't get to see Torres and Paris married on screen. Technically we saw it in 'Course: Oblivion', but it could have been a fitting cap to an enjoyable episode. Still, for all that, as long as you don't look for too much, the episode has a good run, with most of the character scenes striking chords, whether it's the Doctor wittering on about playing golf at St. Andrews, Seven smartly summing up her reaction to Tom, or B'Elanna talking to Neelix about what's happening. Also interesting to see Cyia Batten out of makeup - she was one of three actresses to play Dukat's daughter Ziyal on 'DS9', and went on to play an Orion slave girl on 'Enterprise'.
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