Monday, 18 January 2010

Rules of Acquisition

DVD, DS9 S2 (Rules of Acquisition)

We've had green ones. We've had blue ones. It was only a matter of time before we had a red one (even if it's taken a while - Mr. Spock was originally going to be red!). The Dosi were an odd decision for a Gamma Quadrant race, and unsurprisingly they never appeared again - the mix of silver swim caps and tribal face paints made these butch aliens seem a bit stupid, like they didn't realise how silly they looked. Then again, maybe that's why they were so angry all the time! Aliens that were to make a more lasting contribution to the series were both the Karemma and, most importantly the Dominion, a mysterious trading organisation of the Gamma Quadrant. Neither were seen, and this added to their mystique, leaving them unknowns, and among the first facts we learned of space beyond the Wormhole.

It's strange that in over a season we haven't really delved deep into the other quadrant, and it also shows the writers had enough intelligent ideas that they didn't need to use up the potential they had early. And so it is that the Ferengi make the first steps towards something that will define life in the Alpha Quadrant over the course of the series, though I don't suppose they had an inkling of what would happen beyond this season. Closer to home the Ferengi episode is further consolidated as a sub-genre, the ingredients being Grand Nagus Zek and other Ferengi characters being central to the story, and indeed the plot rests upon them; a good dollop of humour, most commonly from Ferengi etiquette and their reaction to problems; and Quark getting into difficulty. While this didn't reach the height of comic potential as 'The Nagus' did in Season One, it had a different slant in the form of a love story for Quark. Not only that, but we get to see a female Ferengi for the first time in Trek history!

Pel came across really well, seeming male when she needed to be and revealing a feminine voice when unmasked. Dax' perceptive nature sees through her, and the Trill has several scenes which promote her openness to other cultures - she appears to be a Ferengiophile, even enjoying their game of Tongo, first seen in this episode. While she would later show just as much love for Klingon culture, her alternative point of view of the 'little trolls' as Major Kira would call them, is as much talking to the audience, saying that even in the seemingly worst people you can find goodness if you look. Kira definitely stands for the typical viewer when she says what could be construed as racist views if it weren't for the fact they're true!

We see Quark in a different light again in this episode. At first he was a typical harsh Ferengi, but over the course of the first two seasons we occasionally see glimpses of a more honourable man underneath the Ferengi customs. He gives Pel ten bars of latinum to help her start a new life, and yes, he was trying to get rid of her in case it looked bad for him, but it was also a kindly gesture. Even Zek can be generous, if pushed (as Sisko does to allow him the business talks on the station), but Rom still comes across as the most unpleasant. Last season he was trying to kill Quark, this time he wants to unmask Pel, but we've also seen him caring for his son, Nog, so we know him a bit better now. It doesn't help that he's pursuing the wrong career move by setting his sights on the lowly bar, but at this stage he seems mostly an idiot.

It was surprising that Quark doesn't have any scenes with Odo, instead Rom gets the changeling to open up out of nowhere, on the subject of having a brother. Out of the blue he has a deep opinion, and it's ironic that he should say what he says in the same episode the Dominion is mentioned... The Andorians are mentioned, in fact a ship of their's is leaving the station, so it's a shame we never saw them, but they did have the Pakleds wandering in the background. Once again I noticed how good the music was, even to the point where I'd like to hear it separately, especially the bit in the Ferengi ship (first time we've seen one of those in this series), when Pel is trying to tell Quark he's a she, and all Quark's thinking about is profit!


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