Monday, 14 September 2009

Where No One Has Gone Before

DVD, TNG S1 (Where No One Has Gone Before)

A much-needed turnaround for Wesley is the main purpose of this story, that truly takes them where no human has gone before! Kosinski is one of the most objectionable members of Starfleet we've seen, in the tradition of the original series: anyone who comes aboard is generally a complete menace, mad, or simply annoying. At least he brings the mysterious Traveller with him. The effects of ultra-warp travel (or whatever name you want to call it, though 'sleigh-ride' doesn't work for me!), are pretty good for such an old episode, giving a strong perception of greater than warp speed.

The 'alien' music score brings to mind galaxies and benevolent power and so suits the scenes it features in that it improves them. And the Traveller, though such an unknown, brings an important message - that Wesley has great possibility to his life. And, at last, there is some kind of an acceptance of him on the ship, being given the rank of acting-Ensign, and access to the bridge is quite an important turning point and provides the episode with a satisfying conclusion. I don't pretend I ever liked Wesley - he was nothing like the believable Jake Sisko, and proved an annoyance on many occasions, but his early uses here were quite fun, and this seems like a logical step for the character.

The other thing to notice is that there's another engineer, where before it was a female. But Riker says he's 'one of our engineers' implying the ship has several. And the title is similar to that of an original series episode, also early in its first season (the first pilot in fact), substituting 'One' for 'Man'.


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