DVD, Smallville S3 (Forsaken)
Never has the end credits music from Season Three been more fitting. Devastation. The terrible price of Clark's secret, his destiny, his powers, all wrapped up in that one word. Even though I knew it was coming, Pete's decision to abandon Smallville as the only possible solution to having a normal life, was so sad. But it was probably the right decision. That it came at the time Clark could have stopped Lana from leaving, the time he had made his mind up to reveal all as he should have done so long ago, was a heavy blow. It showed the futility of sharing such a dangerous knowledge. He realises that far from making his friendship with Pete better, as he wrongly says, it has effectively assisted in ruining that life. And the one life he cares most about, Lana's, he would never harm.
It proves he was right not to tell anyone, the choice made by his parents. And while they realise he is becoming an adult and begin to give him the space to make his own ways, they also know and hope he'll make the right choice. "We always have a choice, son" is what Jonathan so often said in the past. Clark, heartbroken as he is by events, makes the right one. I thought he would tell Lana not to leave because he secretly still loved her, but no, he confused her once again, but also once again, kept her safe from harm's way. Well, it's Smallville, so safe from harm's way is not living in this town, and as we see, Clark is far from the only source of danger!
Pete, as much as we like him, has the right idea. In the real world I can understand the actor leaving as he was horribly underused. Just as in the storyline, Clark's secret meant he had a difficult time. He was too handy a person to rely on, so they pretty much took him out of the equation early on. You could almost argue his last great episode, focused on him, was the one where he learns Clark's secret. It's not entirely the writers fault - it is the natural way of a TV series that it grows and changes organically to suit the viewers, the channel, the timeslot, the expectations, and needs to change to survive. There is usually at least one character that is done badly by the changes, left out, forgotten or misused. Some actors hold on, for those one or two episodes a year they can call their own, but I'm sure it can be very frustrating, especially for a young actor.
Pete was great, the scene early in this episode was an example. If only they'd used him... but I can't go into all the problems of the series again, after such a good episode. They got to the heart of some of the characters, they brought back a good storyline from last season in the Dinsmores, and they sorted Lionel out. They even managed to throw in a brilliant effect when Clark chases Emily and stops her by pulling a water tower onto her! The one thing missing was the contemporary music, so often successfully used to underline the emotions or actions. But there were a lot of very nice scenes, whether it was Jonathan and Clark sitting down together, Martha and Clark, Pete and Clark, especially the tearful, almost shamefaced farewell. Even Lex and Lionel, Chloe and Lex, Lana and Lex, Pete and Lex... the characters were brought together, the Talon really began its demise. The Lionel story comes to a head, though Lex isn't happy. And what about poor Mr. Dinsmore.
It was a real shame the little girl who played Emily wasn't returned to the role, but working hours and the grisliness of the story meant an older Emily was more suited. I had hoped the Emily project would come back so I was at least glad it did, with such a creepy idea as having a 'friend' caged like a pet. And she escaped, so perhaps this isn't the last of her? I can't say the episode makes me feel good, or happy with the way things have played out. But I can at least understand that it's too much to expect happy stuff in the series now. I watch more to see the unfolding drama, than to be too impressed with how it works. It's a different series, but it will be different again next season. With only one episode to go, what more will be done?
That end music is portentous, relentless, less than comforting. But it also tells of a destiny to come, one that Clark approaches, ahead of all other concerns of friends and family. He will be alone, we know that. He begins to feel that even more.
Monday, 17 August 2009
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